Another great question I get asked is “How many tools do you use?” Or, “How on earth did you get that texture?!” Quite honestly, I think there is a time when pre-made pottery tools are completely necessary. Tools for trimming, different types of rubber or wood kidney’s, and little trick tools to achieve certain looks are clearly perfect!
However, there are times when a little silliness is called for! My silliness either begins in a kitchen store or some hardware store. There are a vast array of tools that will provide different textures hanging on the walls or sitting in some bins. One of my person favorites is the small, 3″ long vegetable peeler! I think I got it for .99 at a kitchen store and it has been worth every penny! I mainly use it on my smaller whiskey cups to create what are called “facets.” The reason I use this and not my wire tool is because the blade of the peeler is already set to a certain depth. That assures me that I wont go through the wall of my pot when Im slicing off one of the sides. Take a peak in the gallery to the “Cup” section and you’ll see what Im referring to.
Another favorite tool of mine would be a 6″ screw I have and I dowel rod that is wrapped with rope. Both of these “tools” provide some really unique textures on certain pieces. The rope technique is actually nothing new, and I learned it from a potter I highly respect! You can see his work at You’ll also notice he was the one that got me hooked on side-firing as well as making little cups with lots of attitude!
Quite simply, the best tool to often use is your mind! Just walk around keeping your eyes peeled and think to yourself: “what kind of texture would that give to clay?” If you dont know the answer, try it out and see for yourself! What do you have to lose? You can reclaim clay! And if you dont know how, you can see my post on doing just that!